Friday, 29 April 2011

A child miseducated is a child lost…

For centuries, the system of teen edification and personality development for a better future has undergone great changes. The mode of education, from ashrams to schools and finally to home-study institutions via internet, has developed so much, that now a child has greater opportunities to learn and better milieu to grow.
     However, the children now, generally speaking, are on their way to the world of fantasy, the world of fashion, the world of drugs…the world of doom! They are leaving books they ought to study; closing computer programmers they ought to work on…the censored magazines and websites are high on demand! What should be the echelon of a child’s knowledge scale; the debate is still a failure.
     The main method adopted by teachers and parents for keeping the next generation on track, is, -on teacher’s part- apathy to the child’s misbehavior; and on the parent’s part, ignorance of the same. The parents are not to be blamed, they never knew about the misdeeds of their child in school or hostel; the teachers are not to be blamed, they could never comment on the misconduct of the child, or they would be beaten up by the student-union and the child, of course, is not to be blamed, for he never knew the difference between what is right for the society and what’s not. Now the question arises- WHO TO BLAME?
      The child is kept in the premises of the boarding-house, allowed only weekly or fortnightly outings, which are spent by the child in shopping/merry making…cinemas! The teachers are busy with the course books, the school politics and yes!- the new job opportunities for higher salaries. The parents…well they are not available for comment, they are either out of station for work purpose, or they are simply minding their own business. The father in the office, the mother in the kitty-parties; back-biting, and the grand-parents have already been sent to the Old-Age Homes!
     The basic element lacking in a child’s education is not disciplinary classes, it is just mere ignorance and indifference towards the future leaders. They are just handed over wads of bank-notes to solve their problems, which are usually spent on the teenage diversities- girls, cigarettes, motor-bikes, fancy clothes and spiffy hair-do’s. The key knowledge of what a society is made up of is certainly something alien to the child’s course of study. His incapability to understand his responsibility owes highly to the medium and methodology of imparting knowledge and another potential is wasted. 
    It is high time that instead of just overloading the child with information, we start to tell them how it can be utilized. How self-improvement would lead to a better society, a better culture, and make the world a better place to live in…!! 

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